Right Up To Your Face And Diss You

I've been trying to watch the health care summit on CNN, but their inane sports commentary drives me nuts. They keep cutting away to the studio so Wolf Blitzer can ask Candy Crowley or John King who's scoring the most points. It's like a seminar on what killed American political journalism. Hell, they're even calling the lunch break half time, and wondering if Coach Obama is going to change the game plan in the locker room. I want to strangle the lot of them.

Except Roland Martin. Goddess bless you, Roland. Wolf turned to him for some half time analysis, asked him how he'd score the action so far, and Martin's response was essentially: I wouldn't. It's stupid. A big part of the problem is that voters are sick of seeing politicians try and "score points" on this issue, and want to see an actual discussion and actual results.

Wolf quickly went and talked to someone else, and I'm not sure Martin appeared on camera again the rest of the day.

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